When the time comes to renew your auto insurance plan, you may do what many others do. You simply renew with the same company, with the same features, and move on. Yet, this could put you at risk. It also may not be the ideal option for you any longer. If your renewal is coming up, there are a few key things you need to look at before you just sign up. Here’s what to compare.
What’s Changed in the Last Year?
While taking a look back at your life over the last year can be good for sentimental reasons, it is also important to look at changes that may impact your car insurance. Here are a few examples.
Did you purchase a new house? If so, are you bundling your car and homeowners policies together? Bundling helps to reduce your overall costs on coverage. Did you buy your child a car? Are they still living in your home? If so, bundle that as well in a multi-car policy. If you have a new teen driver, be sure your policies reflect that individual. Did your vehicle’s value change significantly? For example, did the value fall after an accident? Did it depreciate a lot this year? This may mean you need less coverage. Did you pay off a loan on your car this year? If so, reassess the amount and type of insurance you have. It may no longer be beneficial to maintain a comprehensive, full-coverage plan. Do you drive more or less now? Low-mileage drivers can often save money on auto insurance. Perhaps you added some key features to the car? Safety features might help you reduce your policy costs for example.
What changes have you made with your driving? One key to note is whether or not your driving record improved. If, for example, you now have a clean driving record, that may help to reduce your overall auto insurance costs.
What other factors occurred in the last year or two? Take the time to request a new quote or a few new quotes from multiple insurers. If you are working with your independent Oklahoma City agent, this is usually easy to do.
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